Thursday, January 16, 2014

You are enough!

Oh yummmm. I've just had the yummiest spoonful of peanut butter with a glass of milk. Heaven!

Anyway, today, as I sit in front of my computer and think about all of you, male or female, I want to tell you this:

You Are Enough!

Say it after me.

I am enough.

When you get up in the middle of the night for a crying baby, a wet bed, a sick child, a kid's nightmare, a drunk teenager, a violent partner.

You are enough.

When you get up in the morning and you look at yourself in the mirror and you lift those shoulders and keep your chin up and bravely face the day.

When you wipe one more bottom. Play one more game of cars. Make one more batch of playdough. Clean one more nose. Wipe up yet another spill. Sweep the floor the upteenth time. Fold another heap of laundry. Empty the dishwasher yet again. Bake one more cake. Prepare one more meal. Change another sticky yucky nappy. Brush teeth. Calm a tantrum. Mediate between fighting kids. Tidy gazillions of toys. No need to keep going - you get the idea.

You are enough.

When you look at yourself in the mirror and see the shadows under your eyes, the developing crease between your eyebrows (yep, you know the one), the signs of laughter around your mouth, the beautiful stretch marks on your tummy, the growing bump you love or dislike.

You are beautiful. You are enough.

When you catch your partner watching porn.


When you run around the supermarket with your kids driving you insane with incessant "I want this", "can we buy that?", "look Mummy, how about this?".

When your kids look at the meal you've dug deep to make for them and say "Yuck, I don't like this Mum", and all you feel like doing is bursting into tears. Or when your partner unknowingly says "Pesto pasta again?" (ha ha there goes the sexe tonight!)

When you work several jobs, and look after the household, and spend time with your kids, and do your best to nurture your relationship with your partner, and give yourself physically when all you want is to hide under the covers and SLEEP!

You are enough.

When you are trying your best, but you think it's not enough. When you are striving to be the best Mum, but you end up yelling at your kids. When you are doing everything in your power to be the best wife you can be, but the daily grind is killing romance.

There will always be a when.

But let me say this to you today. You are amazing. You are beautiful. You are a hero. You are enough.

Kia kaha! Be strong!

And do drop me a line in the comment box below. Bloggers live for comments and interaction with their readers. I'd love to hear from you :-).


  1. Ann, this is food for the soul. And I really needed it right now. Thanks so much. Roger
