So I thought I'd share with you what I've learned that does actually work. I hope it encourages you where you are at, and that you will find some ideas to help you along the road to positive body image.
1) Be thankful for everything your body CAN do.
2) Find at least one thing about your body that you like and focus on that.
3) Think about how you can enhance that part of your body that you like. It could be with make-up, clothes, a new bra, nail polish, etc.
4) Do one thing for yourself every day. It could be as little as having a HOT cup of tea or coffee, or spraying on some perfume.
If for some reason it doesn't work out once in a while, that's life. Don't beat yourself up. Take a deep breath and get through to the following week.
6) Make a list of what you'd enjoy doing during your "Mummy / Daddy time". Plan what you could do for your next one. You can't imagine all the positive energy that courses through you as you look forward to it during the week.
7) Choose one thing about your body that you don't like and think about how you could change that around. I hated my stretch marks after having babies, but I've now changed my mind. I now love them because if I didn't have them, I wouldn't have my two gorgeous children to love and cherish.
8) Once you've achieved number 7, choose another thing you don't like and work on that one. I'm working on my dislike of my thighs at the moment. Brrr... I shiver at the thought of them.
9) Accept that if you're a woman, you will probably never be entirely happy about your body - and that's OK.
11) Thank God every day (or every time you think of it) for being alive and for being you.
12) On your mirror, write "I am beautiful".
13) Remind yourself that "true beauty" is not simply skin deep. Beauty is a state of mind, not a state of your body.
I love that we are all beautiful. I love that we are all made unique and priceless.
What are your steps to positive body image? What helps or has helped you?
Kia Kaha! Be strong!
PS. Yes, I do love Audrey Hepburn. I believe she's one of the most beautiful women, inside and out.